Protect Your Property From Weather
When harsh weather impacts a property, the damages can be catastrophic. Without erosion control protection, many property owners are in danger of taking a loss on their estate’s value. With LA County Sandbags, you never have to worry about any of that. We are an erosion control contracting and supply company that proudly offers services throughout California. Whether you need sandbags, silt fencing, or other erosion control products, you can count on us to take care of your needs at an affordable cost. In addition to our products, we have highly-trained installation teams available.


Sandbag Filling

Sandbag Materials

Landscape Services

Construction Site Materials

Silt Fencing
Our Customer Support
LA County Sandbags is dedicated to differentiating our company by achieving unmatched levels of customer satisfaction. We created LA County Sandbags to fill what we perceived was a need for fast, efficient service within Los Angeles County. Since that time, LA County Sandbags has been called upon to expand coverage throughout California and the greater Los Angeles area, from Ventura and Palmdale towards the north to Beaumont and San Clemente areas in the south. We are driven to make LA County Sandbags the most customer-responsive supplier of erosion-control products and services in the greater Los Angeles area. We hire and train our production, delivery, and product-installation crews to ensure they understand the industry's best practices and are sensitive to customer requirements and needs.